MahaRERA Application

General Information

Other Than Individual


Lohia Jain Housing Company LLP
Do you have any Past Experience ?

Address Details

Lohia Jain House
Bhandarkar Road
Good Luck Chowk
Deccan Gymkhanna
Pune City
Pune (M Corp.)

Organization Contact Details


Past Experience Details

Project Name
Type of Project
Land Area(In Sq mtrs)
CTS Number
Number of Buildings/Plot
Number of Apartments
Original Proposed Date of Completion
Actual Date of Completion
1ValloniaResidentialNA9457S No 52 Hissa no 52 1B 1C 2P 3 4A and S No 53 Hissa No 1 2 4A 6P 9B 10 11 12 Plot No 3 of Village Bavdhan kh Pune Talula Mulshi Dist Pune 411021 S No 52 53 Plot No 332102015-06-302016-01-19
2Riddhi SiddhiOthersResidential+Commericial6017.03S No 54 Hissa No 1A-2 1B-9 S No 22 Hissa No 1 to 4-1 and 1 to 4-2 Village Bavdhan Kh Taluka Mulshi Dist Pune 411021S No 54 and 222972014-08-312015-03-31

Member Information

Member Name Designation Photo
Purushottam Mukunddas Lohia Partner View Photo
Ashok Kantilal Jain Partner View Photo
Kishor Shantilal Jain Partner View Photo
Pradeep Shantilal Jain Partner View Photo
Aditya Purushottam Lohia Partner View Photo
Kailas Kantilal Jain Partner View Photo
Madanlal Shantilal Jain Authorized Signatory View Photo
Madan Shantilal Jain Partner View Photo
H B Investment Co Pvt Ltd NA Partner View Photo


New Project
Plot No 4 57 SNo 52 Hissa 1B 1C 2P 3 4A SNo 53 Hissa 1 2 4A 4B 6P 8Plot1 9A 9B 10 11 12 SNo 55/2
Open Space S No 53 15 Meter wide DP Rd
PostOffice 8 Reservation S no 52 H no 1A Ram River
Ram River and S no 53 H no 5
15 Meter wide DP Road and PostOffice 8 Reservation
Bavdhan Kh.
DP Road Adjacent Maratha Mandir

FSI Details


Details of RERA Designated Separate Bank Account


Project Details

Name Proposed Booked WorkDone(In %)
Number of Garages ( In Numbers) 0 0 0
Covered Parking ( In Numbers) 518 0 0

Development Work

Common areas And Facilities, Amenities Available Percent Details
Internal Roads & Footpaths : YES 0 -
Water Conservation, Rain water Harvesting : YES 0 -
Energy management : YES 0 -
Fire Protection And Fire Safety Requirements : YES 0 -
Electrical Meter Room, Sub-Station, Receiving Station : YES 0 -
Compound wall : YES 29 of entire phase
Remaining Area of Lower Upper Podium : YES 85 lower stilt
Retaining Wall : YES 91 upper stilt floor
Aggregate area of recreational Open Space : YES 0 podium floor.
Open Parking : YES 0 lower stilt floor
Water Supply : YES 0 podium floor.
Sewerage (Chamber, Lines, Septic Tank , STP) : YES 0 For lower stilt floor
Storm Water Drains : YES 0 -
Landscaping & Tree Planting : YES 0 -
Street Lighting : YES 0 -
Community Buildings : YES 37 -
Treatment And Disposal Of Sewage And Sullage Water : YES 0 -
Solid Waste Management And Disposal : YES 0 -

Building Details

Sr.No. Project Name Name (Also mention identification of building/wing/other as per approved plan) Proposed Date of Completion Number of Basement's Number of Plinth Number of Podium's Number of Sanctioned Floors Number of Stilts Total no. of open Parking as per Sanctioned Plan (4-wheeler+2-Wheeler) Number of Closed Parking
1 Odela ODELA A WING 31/01/2024 0 0 1 17 2 0 244
Sr.No. Apartment Type Carpet Area (in Sqmts) Number of Apartment Number of Booked Apartment
1 2 BHK 78.17 102 102
2 2 BHK 80.18 102 102
Sr.No. Tasks / Activity Percentage of Work
1 Excavation 100
2 X number of Basement(s) and Plinth 0
3 X number of Podiums 100
4 Stilt Floor 100
5 X number of Slabs of Super Structure 100
6 Internal walls, Internal Plaster, Floorings within Flats/Premises, Doors and Windows to each of the Flat/Premises 68
7 Sanitary Fittings within the Flat/Premises,Electrical Fittings within the Flat/Premises 1
8 Staircases, Lifts Wells and Lobbies at each Floor level connecting Staircases and Lifts, Overhead and Underground Water Tanks. 91

The external plumbing and external plaster, elevation, completion of terraces with waterproofing of the Building/Wing

10 Installation of lifts, water pumps, Fire Fighting Fittings and Equipment as per CFO NOC, Electrical fittings to Common Areas, electro, mechanical equipment, Compliance to conditions of environment /CRZ NOC, Finishing to entrance lobby/s, plinth protection, paving of areas appurtenant to Building/Wing, Compound Wall and all other requirements as may be required to Obtain Occupation /Completion Certificate 2
11 Overall Percentage of Completion of the work done For the entire Building /Wing 62.9
Sr.No. Project Name Name (Also mention identification of building/wing/other as per approved plan) Proposed Date of Completion Number of Basement's Number of Plinth Number of Podium's Number of Sanctioned Floors Number of Stilts Total no. of open Parking as per Sanctioned Plan (4-wheeler+2-Wheeler) Number of Closed Parking
2 Odela ODELA B WING 31/01/2024 0 0 1 17 2 0 121
Sr.No. Apartment Type Carpet Area (in Sqmts) Number of Apartment Number of Booked Apartment
1 3 BHK 104.05 36 36
2 3 BHK 104.09 32 32
Sr.No. Tasks / Activity Percentage of Work
1 Excavation 100
2 X number of Basement(s) and Plinth 0
3 X number of Podiums 100
4 Stilt Floor 100
5 X number of Slabs of Super Structure 100
6 Internal walls, Internal Plaster, Floorings within Flats/Premises, Doors and Windows to each of the Flat/Premises 77
7 Sanitary Fittings within the Flat/Premises,Electrical Fittings within the Flat/Premises 2
8 Staircases, Lifts Wells and Lobbies at each Floor level connecting Staircases and Lifts, Overhead and Underground Water Tanks. 92

The external plumbing and external plaster, elevation, completion of terraces with waterproofing of the Building/Wing

10 Installation of lifts, water pumps, Fire Fighting Fittings and Equipment as per CFO NOC, Electrical fittings to Common Areas, electro, mechanical equipment, Compliance to conditions of environment /CRZ NOC, Finishing to entrance lobby/s, plinth protection, paving of areas appurtenant to Building/Wing, Compound Wall and all other requirements as may be required to Obtain Occupation /Completion Certificate 1
11 Overall Percentage of Completion of the work done For the entire Building /Wing 64
Sr.No. Project Name Name (Also mention identification of building/wing/other as per approved plan) Proposed Date of Completion Number of Basement's Number of Plinth Number of Podium's Number of Sanctioned Floors Number of Stilts Total no. of open Parking as per Sanctioned Plan (4-wheeler+2-Wheeler) Number of Closed Parking
3 Odela ODELA C WING 31/01/2024 0 0 1 17 2 0 125
Sr.No. Apartment Type Carpet Area (in Sqmts) Number of Apartment Number of Booked Apartment
1 4 BHK 181.42 34 34
Sr.No. Tasks / Activity Percentage of Work
1 Excavation 100
2 X number of Basement(s) and Plinth 0
3 X number of Podiums 100
4 Stilt Floor 100
5 X number of Slabs of Super Structure 100
6 Internal walls, Internal Plaster, Floorings within Flats/Premises, Doors and Windows to each of the Flat/Premises 37
7 Sanitary Fittings within the Flat/Premises,Electrical Fittings within the Flat/Premises 1
8 Staircases, Lifts Wells and Lobbies at each Floor level connecting Staircases and Lifts, Overhead and Underground Water Tanks. 87

The external plumbing and external plaster, elevation, completion of terraces with waterproofing of the Building/Wing

10 Installation of lifts, water pumps, Fire Fighting Fittings and Equipment as per CFO NOC, Electrical fittings to Common Areas, electro, mechanical equipment, Compliance to conditions of environment /CRZ NOC, Finishing to entrance lobby/s, plinth protection, paving of areas appurtenant to Building/Wing, Compound Wall and all other requirements as may be required to Obtain Occupation /Completion Certificate 1
11 Overall Percentage of Completion of the work done For the entire Building /Wing 54.5
Sr.No. Project Name Name (Also mention identification of building/wing/other as per approved plan) Proposed Date of Completion Number of Basement's Number of Plinth Number of Podium's Number of Sanctioned Floors Number of Stilts Total no. of open Parking as per Sanctioned Plan (4-wheeler+2-Wheeler) Number of Closed Parking
4 Odela Odela Retail 30/09/2022 1 1 0 3 0 0 28
Sr.No. Apartment Type Carpet Area (in Sqmts) Number of Apartment Number of Booked Apartment
1 Shop 37.90 8 8
2 Shop 21.64 1 1
3 Shop 29.66 1 1
4 Shop 21.77 5 5
5 Shop 21.15 1 1
6 Shop 21.10 1 1
7 Office space 218.69 1 1
8 Shop 26.89 1 1
9 Shop 24.68 1 1
10 Office space 75.33 1 1
11 Office space 218.02 2 2
12 Office space 76.91 2 2
13 Office space 91.73 2 2
14 Office space 202.54 3 3
15 Office space 89.09 1 1
Sr.No. Tasks / Activity Percentage of Work
1 Excavation 100
2 X number of Basement(s) and Plinth 100
3 X number of Podiums 0
4 Stilt Floor 0
5 X number of Slabs of Super Structure 100
6 Internal walls, Internal Plaster, Floorings within Flats/Premises, Doors and Windows to each of the Flat/Premises 100
7 Sanitary Fittings within the Flat/Premises,Electrical Fittings within the Flat/Premises 100
8 Staircases, Lifts Wells and Lobbies at each Floor level connecting Staircases and Lifts, Overhead and Underground Water Tanks. 100

The external plumbing and external plaster, elevation, completion of terraces with waterproofing of the Building/Wing

10 Installation of lifts, water pumps, Fire Fighting Fittings and Equipment as per CFO NOC, Electrical fittings to Common Areas, electro, mechanical equipment, Compliance to conditions of environment /CRZ NOC, Finishing to entrance lobby/s, plinth protection, paving of areas appurtenant to Building/Wing, Compound Wall and all other requirements as may be required to Obtain Occupation /Completion Certificate 100
11 Overall Percentage of Completion of the work done For the entire Building /Wing 80

Project Professional Information

Professional Name MahaRERA Certificate No. Professional Type
SHRIRAM JAGANNATH ZANWAR A52100001117 Real Estate Agent
AMIT BABANRAO GAIKI A52100002350 Real Estate Agent
SPACEINDIA NEST LLP A52100002248 Real Estate Agent
Amoi Arun Dhas A52100008114 Real Estate Agent
MADAN MOHAN AGARWAL A52100002429 Real Estate Agent
VISHWA DEEPAK PANDEY A52100006029 Real Estate Agent
CHINTAMANI WALIMBE A52100005514 Real Estate Agent
CA VARDHAMAN JAIN NA Chartered Accountant
CA YOGGETA R SHENVI NA Chartered Accountant
ADV SATISH DAREKAR NA Other Professional
JM Financial Products Limited A51900000277 Real Estate Agent
Relaint infraspace Realty A52100008910 Real Estate Agent
CLEAR SPACE REALTY A52100020029 Real Estate Agent

Litigations Details

Uploaded Documents

Document Name Uploaded Document
1 Copy of the legal title report
1 Details of encumbrances
1 b Details of encumbrances concerned to Legal
1 Copy of Layout Approval (in case of layout)
2 Copy of Layout Approval (in case of layout)
3 Copy of Layout Approval (in case of layout)
4 Copy of Layout Approval (in case of layout)
5 Copy of Layout Approval (in case of layout)
6 Copy of Layout Approval (in case of layout)
7 Copy of Layout Approval (in case of layout)
8 Copy of Layout Approval (in case of layout)
1 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
2 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
3 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
4 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
5 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
6 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
7 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
8 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
9 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
10 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
11 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
12 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
13 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
14 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
15 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
16 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
17 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
18 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
19 Building Plan Approval (IOD)
1 Commencement Certificates / NA Order for plotted development
2 Commencement Certificates / NA Order for plotted development
3 Commencement Certificates / NA Order for plotted development
1 Declaration about Commencement Certificate
1 Declaration in FORM B
1 Certificates of Architect (Form 1)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
2 Certificates of Architect (Form 1)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
3 Certificates of Architect (Form 1)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
4 Certificates of Architect (Form 1)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
5 Certificates of Architect (Form 1)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
6 Certificates of Architect (Form 1)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
7 Certificates of Architect (Form 1)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
8 Certificates of Architect (Form 1)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
9 Certificates of Architect (Form 1)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
10 Certificates of Architect (Form 1)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
11 Certificates of Architect (Form 1)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
12 Certificates of Architect (Form 1)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
1 Certificates of Engineer (Form 2)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
2 Certificates of Engineer (Form 2)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
3 Certificates of Engineer (Form 2)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
4 Certificates of Engineer (Form 2)(Mandatory for only ongoing project)
1 Form 2A
2 Form 2A
3 Form 2A
1 Engineers Certificate on Quality Assurance (Form 2A FY 2020-21)
2 Engineers Certificate on Quality Assurance (Form 2A FY 2020-21)
1 Engineers Certificate on Quality Assurance (Form 2A FY 2021-22)
1 Engineers Certificate on Quality Assurance (Form 2A FY 2022-23)
1 Engineers Certificate on Quality Assurance (Form 2A FY 2023-24)
1 Disclosure of sold/ booked inventory
1 CERSAI details
1 Disclosure of Interest in Other Real Estate Organizations
1 Certificates of CA (Form 5)
2 Certificates of CA (Form 5)
1 Annual Audit Report of Statutory CA (Form 5) (FY 2018-19)
1 Annual Audit Report of Statutory CA (Form 5) (FY 2019-20)
1 Annual Audit Report of Statutory CA (Form 5) (FY 2020-21)
1 Annual Audit Report of Statutory CA (Form 5) (FY 2021-22)
1 Annual Audit Report of Statutory CA (Form 5) (FY 2022-23)
1 Annual Audit Report of Statutory CA (Form 5) (FY 2023-24)
1 Proforma of Agreement for sale
1 Proforma of Allotment letter
1 Occupancy Certificate/ Completion Certificate/ Architect's certificate of completion for plotted development
2 Occupancy Certificate/ Completion Certificate/ Architect's certificate of completion for plotted development
1 Status of Formation of Legal Entity (Society/Co Op etc.)
1 Status of Conveyance
1 Foreclosure of the Project
1 Deviation Report with respect to Allotment letter
1 Deviation Report with respect to model copy of Agreement
1 Other
2 Other
1 Other – Finance
1 Other – Technical